Features of Fish
From the: The Wonders of Vertebrate Life Series
- Item # VLC223
- Copyright 2010
- For Grades 9-14
- 20 minutes
- Teacher's Guide
This colorful, lively video explores the fascinating features of fishes. The major characteristics of this widely diverse group of vertebrates are described through the use of live-action video. Special attention is paid to the major groups of fishes and their unique features. Concepts and terminology include: ectothermic, scales, swim bladder, olfactory lobe, lateral line, gills, anadromous, ichthyologist, agnatha, lamprey, hagfish, chondrichthyes, cartilage, shark, skate, ray, osteichthyes, lobe-finned fishes, lungfishes, and ray-finned fishes.
DVD and 25-page Instructor’s Manual. DVD Features include subtitles, chapter index, labeled slides, and glossary.
- Product Code:
- 9781592345533
Digital Bundle
License Details
Single School License.
Digital Bundle includes video files for full show and 7-10 content clips in H.264 (for iPods) and.WMV format. Plus 15-20 images (.jpg), teacher’s guide (.pdf) and metadata.
- Product Code:
- VLC223Digital
- 9781592345557