Food and Digestion
From the: Investigating the Human Body Series
- Item # VLC181
- Copyright 2008
- For Grades 3-5
- 15 minutes
- Teacher's Guide
Every day we eat a wide variety of food to provide the body with the energy it needs. All food is not the same and contains different types of nutrients. This program explores the six major groups of nutrients. Three-dimensional animations help explain the process of digestion in the body. Special attention is given to healthy eating habits. Additional terminology and concepts illustrated in the video include: balanced diet, digestive system, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water, chemical digestion, mechanical digestion, saliva, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and liver.
DVD and 25-page Teacher’s Guide. DVD Features include subtitles, chapter index, labeled slides, glossary, and an iMovie project.
- Product Code:
- 9781592342457
Digital Bundle
License Details
Single School License.
Digital Bundle includes video files for full show and 7-10 content clips in H.264 (for iPods) and.WMV format. Plus 15-20 images (.jpg), teacher’s guide (.pdf) and metadata.
- Product Code:
- VLC181Digital
- 9781592343997