Vida microscópica (Microscopic Life)
From the:
- Item # VLC169ESP
- Copyright
- For Grades 3-5
- 15 minutes
- Teacher's Guide
Just about everything we eat, touch, and see contains organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye. This video explores the fascinating world of microscopic life. It begins by discussing viruses and explaining how these cause disease. Bacterial cells are described, highlighting the important roles they play on Earth. The video pays special attention to protists, comparing the structure and function of plant-like, animal-life, and fungus-like protists. Additional concepts and terminology: microscope, vaccine, moneran, decomposition, amoeba, phytoplankton, yeast, algae, paramecium, and protozoa.
Spanish DVD - Vida Microscópica
DVD includes: Video with Spanish narration, subtitles, and on-screen vocabulary; chapter breaks. (English option also available on disc). DVD comes with 25 page teacher's guide (printed and in.pdf format on disc).
- Product Code:
Spanish Digital - Vida Microscópica
Single School License.
Includes: Full show and 7-10 video clips ( h.264 / .wmv ); 25 page teacher's guide (.pdf), and searchable metadata (.xls). Narration and subtitles in Spanish.
- Product Code:
- VLC169ESPDigital