Volcanoes and Earthquakes
From the: Earth in Action Series
- Item # VLC063
- Copyright 2003
- For Grades 5-9
- 20 minutes
- Teacher's Guide
Footage of volcanic activity in Iceland and Hawaii, as well as earthquake events in California, illustrate how these dynamic forces affect our world. Through descriptions of actual volcanic and earthquake occurrences, students will discover how these dynamic forces affect our world. The video discusses the nature and causes of earthquakes and volcanoes. Other terminology includes: molten rock, magma, lava, cinder cone, shield volcano, composite volcano, caldera, Ring of Fire, seismic waves, seismograph, and Richter Scale.
"The information is presented clearly and logically, and the female narration is outstanding..." -- School Library Journal February 2004
Doug Brant, Chambersburg Area Middle School, PA
School Library Journal
February 2004
Digital Bundle
License Details
Single School License.
Digital Bundle includes video files for full show and 7-10 content clips in H.264 (for iPods) and.WMV format. Plus 15-20 images (.jpg), teacher’s guide (.pdf) and metadata.
- Product Code:
- VLC063Digital
- 9781592343461
Spanish DVD - Volcanes y Terremotos
DVD and 30-page Teacher’s Guide. Narration in English and Spanish and Subtitles in Spanish
- Product Code:
- 9781592344994
Spanish Digital - Volcanes y Terremotos
License Details
Single School License.
Digital Video Full Show file in H.264 (for iPods) and 30-page Teacher’s Guide. Narration in Spanish.
- Product Code:
- VLC063ESPDigital
- 9781592343461